1-on-1 Strategy Sessions

Wherever you are at. Phone or virtual meetings.


Initial Session

75 mins - $125


Your first strategy session. Designed with more time in mind to dive into the details of your case and authentically connect. Uncover new strategies, re-discover your truth, and learn co-parenting techniques to amplify your voice.

Let’s get started. 

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Established Clients

60 mins - $110


Let’s dive deeper into your case. Book your follow up 1 hour strategy session here.

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Session Bundles

* Available after your Initial Strategy Session

Saving you money while partnering on your journey.


Bundle of 3

60 mins each - $300 for 3 sessions


Let’s dive deeper into your case learning to co-parent under the microscope of the family court, ensuring your communication reflects your truth, and avoiding the games the narcissist or high conflict individual wants to drag you into. Brave, honest connection to amplify your voice.

Purchase & Book

Book Second or Third Session


Bundle of 6

60 mins each - $570 for 6 sessions


You understand that divorcing a high conflict individual means you need to have a marathon mindset. Together we can anticipate next steps, prepare for upcoming assessments or mediation, empower your children, build your team and bravely step forward in hope together.

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Book Next Session


Bundle of 10

60 mins each - $925 for 10 sessions


We are in this together! No longer feel alone as I will be your secret weapon, personal cheerleader and strategy partner through it all. 

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Book Next Session

Device & Online Account

Security Checkup

A 75 min session dedicated to ensuring your phone, computer, accounts & devices are secure with the expertise of a

trusted IT professional along with your custody and divorce consultant.  Sessions take place over Zoom or phone.

75 mins - $125

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Still have questions?

Book a Free Discovery Call

Let’s connect over a free 20 minute clarifying call and see how I can best support you.