
 I will serve as your strategy partner.

A custody and divorce battle can be difficult and isolating. While you may feel alone, I want you to know that you are not.

1-on-1 Strategy Session

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Your thinking and strategy partner

As a Custody & Divorce Consultant who specializes in what the court labels “high-conflict divorce”, our strategy sessions are customized based on your issues, goals and emotional health. As a neutral third party I am able to provide an objective perspective to improve your effectiveness and save you financially.   I will be there to help you keep putting one foot in front of the other when you need it most. 

We will work together to fill your toolbox with documentation techniques and communication skills that will help bring your truth to light. Doing an inventory of your thoughts, your emotional state, your support team, your circumstances, the variables in your case and the dynamics of your local court system is critical to finding your strategy.

You will come to lawyer appointments prepared with documentation in order and a focused agenda.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

 Find your voice again

I will help you put up boundaries when applicable and find your voice which may have been lost at the hands of the narcissist or high conflict individual (HCI). HCI’s often have multiple traits characterized by personality disorders which can include narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and other Cluster-B personality disorders. The courts often fail to recognize the impact these traits -diagnosis or not- have on the HCI’s family members and most importantly, the impact these traits can have on children’s physical, mental and emotional well-being.

We cannot deal with someone who is empathy-impaired and intentionally and sadistically attempting to pose harm to you or your children in the same manner as non-high conflict individuals who can empathize and feel remorse.

Having NPD or other Cluster-B personality disorders does not simply mean that one has an inflated ego. This person actually thrives on conflict and poses a significant threat to the safety and well-being of their children and former partner. This individual sees the children as a weapon to continue to control and abuse the healthy parent placing the children at risk of harm and even worse, death.

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Support & validation

I am not a lawyer nor am I a therapist. I will be here to listen, support and validate you in your journey. I will work together with you on communication, co-parenting (or parallel parenting), parenting with a narcissist, preparation for mediation or court dates, custody battle strategies, and avoiding or combatting false parental alienation claims.

Somehow children’s best interests get lost in the eyes of family courts and mother’s rights or father’s rights are superseding children’s rights. Protective parents are often labelled as part of the problem when in fact their primary focus is solely the best interests of their children.

Together we will find your voice and amplify your truth.

"A.S. Custody & Divorce Consulting was such a lifesaver!

She took time to listen to my concerns, validate my experience, and provide me with excellent resources during a tumultuous time.

She connected me with an excellent IT person, who took great care to ensure my online security was tightened. A.S. Custody & Divorce Consulting has a comforting presence and understands navigating high-conflict situations in a way that is supportive and educational. Thank you so much!"

- A.L.

Device & Online Account Security Checkup

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Protecting your privacy

The feelings of safety, security and confidentiality are key elements towards healing and also key aspects towards moving forward in your life apart from your former partner. It is imperative that your accounts and devices are secure when separating from a narcissist, sociopath or other controlling partner. Stalking and boundary concerns can be very scary. If you feel something is off, trust your intuition and seek further expertise.

This session calls upon the help of a trusted IT professional as together we ensure your devices and accounts are private, secure and confidential.

Oftentimes being on the right path for your life does not mean it will be the easiest path.

What to Expect


Intake Form

An intake form via email to be filled out 24 hours prior to your first session.

Session Prep Form

A prep form to be filled out 24 hours prior to each subsequent session.


I understand that it does not always ‘take two to tango’ in family court.

No matter where you are at, I will meet you there. You are no longer facing this mountain alone.


Your toolbox will be filled with valuable communication skills, documentation practices, strategic thinking, parenting & co-parenting skills, preparation for mediation or court, and self-care techniques.